More information has come to light via the Velvet Rope forums and ILX.
Here's a message from Bolles, which may have been sent out as a MySpace bulletin:
From: Don Bolles
Date: Apr 8, 2007 2:45 PM
RE: Don Bolles here - Thanks everyone! I'm FREE - 4 now...
THANK YOU everyone that wrote, called, and especially to everyone who donated their time, expertise, and/or money -- I was released this morning at 1 AM, so I'm out of the hoosgow for now; but I still have to go to court on Friday the 13th, which will hopefully be my lucky day.
I'll send out another bulletin tomorrow, after I've figured stuff out a little more and have a better idea of what the heck is going on with this most surreal of legal entanglements. Right now, however, I am going to enjoy a fabulous $10 vegeterian all-you-can-eat feast at La Flor de Loto (we call it "Waters"), just west of Pacific on Zoe street in scenic Huntington Park, in case anyone wants to join me. Then I have to go to Trader Joe's and get some more Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Liquid Castille Soap -- the Newport Beach Police confiscated mine.
Thanks again, and don't forget to tune in tomorrow to this same station to find out what happens in the next exciting episode!
And regarding my previous recognition of the presence of public defender George W. Abbes (not Abbas - I kan't spel) in the April 5 hearing, this comment (from Jay Babcock) has appeared:
He has a court date on Friday the 13th (of course) and needs a lawyer -- he's only been able to speak to the public defender person once and has no confidence in them.
Found out a little about Abbes, by the way.
George W. Abbes
Address: 12680 Kona Ln
Garden Grove, CA 92841-4917
Phone: (714) 535-4242
(949) 223-2233
Fax: (714) 535-0158
Abbes, George W.
West Practice Categories:
Personal Injury -- Defense
So Abbes is a personal injury specialist who also does some public defender work. From personal experience, I can see why Giorsetti/Bolles wants to find another attorney. Someone (not me) was in a worker's comp situation, and got a worker's comp attorney. Unfortunately, this particular worker's comp attorney was not expert in the details of this person's case, so the person had to find a second attorney who was more knowledgeable in the particulars. A lawyer who specializes in personal injury at an employer's site is not necessarily the most knowledgeable person to defend against controlled substance and restraining order violations.
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
5 years ago
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