Perhaps you've heard of Julia Roy, a Senior Agent at Undercurrent who bills herself as "an entirely digital girl" due to her pervasive social media presence and her all-consuming interest in the digital world.
Yes, she's under 30, and therefore feared by IT professionals.
IT PROFESSIONAL: Um, what is this that you installed on the corporate computer, Julia?
JULIA: Second Life. I'm setting up a virtual presence for a client.
IT PROFESSIONAL: Why can't you use Internet Explorer 6 to set that up?
Anyway, as I've previously noted, Julia Roy has started a weekly video project called "Tweet Week" that covers all things Twitter. She just released Episode 4.
If you go 4:34 into the video, you'll hear Julia asking this question:
Can anyone tell me what the hashtag #flylady is all about? I think you use that hashtag when you are doing something, completing a task that you need to complete? I think it's about productivity and collaboration and...a community of people to help you get your [stuff] done? Is that right? I don't know. Help me....
Well, despite the fact that my Motorola Q is semi-attached to me, I do actually spend some time in First Life, and I had a pretty good guess regarding what the #flylady hashtag was all about. So I contacted Roy with this information (and no, I didn't send her a postcard):
@juliaroy I'm not familiar with a hashtag #flylady but THE FlyLady is a housecleaning expert
Yes, FlyLady is actually two people, Pam and Peggy:
Pam Young and Peggy Jones are the founders of the Sidetracked Home Executives (SHEs). They began this journey in 1977 with the book, "Sidetracked Home Executives from Pigpen to Paradise". In this book, they tell the story of how they searched for organization in their homes and found it in the form of a 3x5 card system. Since then, a planner has been added to the system. Now the original book has been revised for the new millennium. The new edition (February, 2001) is now available at Over the past 20-some years, this book and the SHE system has helped thousands of people move from clutter and chaos in their homes to order.
Actually, I lied. The FlyLady is NOT Pam and Peggy.
Although FlyLady and Company, Inc. is licensed to use the Sidetracked Home Executives' system, the SHE Merchandise shown on this page is NOT affiliated with FlyLady and Company, Inc. These listings are provided as a courtesy to Pam and Peggy.
So here is the FlyLady.
Marla Cilley is The FlyLady. She does not fly a plane! To keep a long story short, Marla loves to teach people to FlyFish. That is how she got the name - FlyLady. Marla is a SHE' (Sidetracked Home Executive). This system saved her life and continues to bless her. When Marla found the website years ago, she needed a user name for the forums. Everyone was trying to help her come up with one. When they found out that she loved to flyfish and she taught it at a local college, they came up with "FlyLady". It is because of Marla's SHEness that she can now teach others. On December 7, 1999 someone asked Marla for help and the FlyLady mentoring group began. This group has always been her gift to whoever joined. All Marla ever wanted to do was help people.
And she has authored or co-authored several books, including "Sink Reflections." Here's an Amazon list of her books.
So now there's a Twitter user called @flyladykelly, and all sorts of sidetracked home executives (lower case) are using the #flylady hashtag all over the place. (Find out more at the Marketing Mystic post on FlyLady.)
Because, while in Second Life you don't have to clean up after yourself, in the real world you do.
(And yes, I'm sure Roy keeps a clean house...)
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
5 years ago