Thursday, July 17, 2008

Beautiful song, tragic ending - I'm affirmative about "Day After Day"

Ordinarily I'd just throw this link in my microblog, make a microcomment, and be done with it. But perhaps it was the negative reaction to Loren Feldman's affirmative action video that got me to thinking about the 1970s, the freest decade in the modern era. A time when Chevy Chase called Richard Pryor a nigger, Richard Pryor called himself a nigger and a junkie...

And George Harrison used his well-honed guitar stylings to aid a pre-suicidal band create the typical F major 70s AM hit. I don't need to add it to or Pandora; I can hear it in my head right now.

Later in the decade, smiling teens would sing "No future for you."

What a decade. And that's when I grew up.

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