Sunday, February 3, 2008

The ink is red, the page is white - and vice versa (Larry Ellison meets Ulrich Schnauss)

Regarding something that I mentioned earlier.

In the of the Oracle Database 11g video below, you will see a series of messages - white letters on a red background.

In the (geddit?) of the GMC Yukon Hybrid video below, you will see a series of messages - red letters on a white background.

GMC Yukon Hybrid Super Bowl Commercial

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And yes, the music differs significantly. But perhaps if Larry Ellison is a little more relaxed when Oracle Database 12m is released, perhaps the video will use quieter music...and the slogan "We are enterprise grade."

Or the video may have noisier music and Deborah Iyall will sing at the Cow Palace.

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louisgray said...

And I thought I was the only one who noticed Ulrich Schnauss on that Super Bowl ad!

He's #12 on my most-listened to list.

Great artist.

Ontario Emperor said...

I'm enjoying this song so much, I haven't gotten around to listening to any of his other work.