Monday, September 29, 2008

A moldy oldie - yeah it's illegal, but we're going to do it anyway

I was still in San Francisco when this story came out.

Libertarian candidate Bob [Barr mounted a] legal challenge to Obama & McCain's names being allowed on Texas ballots due to the fact that both campaigns missed a state deadline to certify the names of their presidential and vice presidential candidates for the ballot.

As it turns out, neither party needed to worry. The Texas Supreme Court was more than willing to ignore the law, presumably in order to avoid an embarrassing Electoral College nightmare.

"Austin – The Texas Supreme Court rejected a request Tuesday by Libertarian Party presidential nominee Bob Barr to keep Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama off the Texas ballot.

"The court denied the request without explanation."

Meanwhile, the next President of the United States will swear to uphold the Constitution.

Yeah, right.

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