My employer has standardized all work computers on IE6. So everything that other people blame on Scoble, I blame on IE6. Frankly, I have run into a couple of issues on my work computer that were not issues on my home computer. I was unable to install the Odiogo widget on my Empoprise-IE blog from work, and I was unable to view this comment from work.
But let me catch everyone up.
The comment was made in response to this post from Yuvi at the StatBot, which applies Hutch Carpenter's FriendFeed "Likes" Compatibility Index to Louis Gray and Robert Scoble. Yuvi took their last 300 likes and calculated the top 25 people in terms of compatibility. For example, Shey and Louis Gray liked the same 84 things, and Robert Scoble and Mitchell Tsai liked the same 44 things.
Yuvi then opened it up to requests, and offered to calculate likes for anyone who requested it. So, here's what was calculated for me:
susanbeebe - 50
shey - 43
mortonfox - 36
solacetech - 32
dobata - 26
furry - 25
bhc3 - 24
bwana - 21
mitchelltsai - 20
kbondelli - 20
eng1ne - 18
anjrued - 18
trishussey - 17
mikereynolds - 16
scobleizer - 16
sarahintampa - 16
jbaldwinconnect - 15
ha3rvey - 14
louisgray - 14
hawksdomain - 14
russellreno - 13
pplpwrd - 12
voyagerfan5761 - 12
philcrissman - 12
This is especially interesting because I don't recognize some of these handles. I'll have to check them out.
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
5 years ago