Friday, April 25, 2008

Read and Comment Day

On Wednesday, Chris Brogan advanced a proposal:

I hereby officially declare Monday, April 28th “Read and Comment” day. Instead of your typical post (or as well as), get out there and comment on some blogs. Contribute to their conversations. Find some good stuff and add to it.

Note that Chris has implicitly assumed Corvida's Law (not so named by Corvida, by the way):

As a blogger, I will be making a conscious effort to post my thoughts on the original article before I post my thoughts on FriendFeed....I will still contribute to conversations on FriendFeed and Twitter, but the origin of whatever the topic may be will be the first place that I speak my mind and I hope my peers and those within my field will make an effort to do the same.

If I were to practice this on Monday, the one issue that I'd encounter would be the incompatibility of various comment systems with my Windows Mobile 5-equipped mobile phone (Disqus doesn't really support mobile access now, but they're looking at it). But I can certainly try to honor "Brogan's Date" while I'm on a laptop or desktop.

Tom Kephart is also participating.

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