Sunday, March 30, 2008

Me too. Or, Why Original Blog Thought is So Difficult.

If nothing else, my Reed College education taught me to go to the original source. So after seeing Dave Winer's rant in Google Reader (and his subsequently hilarious observations about how popular his rant had become), I sought out the original source. So let me recycle it:

[T]here is an awful lot of blog posts offering little or no insight other than referring to another blog. Rather than adding to the conversation, many of these posts come across as simply noise and bandwagon jumping.

I wanted to share that thought. End of post.













Ah, heck, I can't do it.

Actually, there is value in post regurgitation, if for no other reason than it propgates the original message. If I had never seen Dave Winer's post, then I never would have known what Mark Evans had said.

And there's a slight chance that someone will hear the message after reading THIS post.

And I have my own personal solution for this issue - I don't make a habit of reading TechMeme. Not really a value judgement on TechMeme; I just don't read it.

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