Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Commonwealth of Interesting States

Back on July 1, 2006, I wrote a blog post on the "new look" of Pravda. It linked to a Pravda article that covered Dana Borisova, who received an award from the Defense Ministry of Russia for successful propaganda of patriotism. It didn't cover much else - in fact, much was left uncovered, especially in the third photo.

It should be noted that in Pravda's pictorial essay, Dana Borisova was not in official Russian military uniform.

I remembered this when I ran across an Independent Sources blog post - not about Russia, but about the Ukraine. Independent Sources linked to a Strategy Page photo entitled "Not Your Father's Ukrainian Army." If you don't have link access at the moment, or text-only access, let me just say that the Ukraine Army uniforms for females must be relatively inexpensive, since they don't need a lot of material for the short skirts that they wear. (Although I'm sure the high heels cost a pretty penny.)

However, Strategy Page provides no additional information about the photo, and I couldn't find any parade pictures on the Ukrainian Military website. Although it appears that one of the members of Devo has emigrated and joined the military over there.

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