Monday, March 17, 2008

But now for something really important - Tony Orlando comes to Victoria Gardens

Back around 1970 or so, the kids on my block and I would get together and pretend we were Tony Orlando and Dawn, lip syncing "Knock Three Times." Man, we were rad.

Back around 2004 or so, Victoria Gardens opened in Rancho Cucamonga. While Inland Empress (no relation) and others have derided Victoria Gardens as "a glitzy, dumbed-down attempt at New Urbanism"...they do have free wi-fi and a Starbucks.

I know what you're thinking to yourself. "Do the mashup, Ontie." OK, I will:

It's unclear whether the city has any oak trees that singer Tony Orlando can tie a yellow ribbon around but nevertheless, the 1970s star will pay a visit and perform at the Gala for the Arts at the Victoria Gardens Cultural Center on April 18.

The event, hosted by the city's Community Foundation, will raise funds for arts programing.

Tickets - from $60 to $1,000 for a table - are available starting this week.

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