Remember Vincenzo Riccardi, the man who died in his home with the TV on and wasn't found for over a year?
Well, Finland for Thought links to a story that makes one year seem like a few minutes. Since I can't read Finnish, I'll rely on Finland for Thought's English-language comments on the story.
A 50 year old man on sickness pension was found dead in his apartment in Helsinki. He had been dead there for 3 years. Apparently, what triggered someone noticing his being gone was that his automatic account transfers for paying the apartment maintenance fee weren’t going through, because his account had gone empty. The neighbours had apparently not noticed any smell.
As far as I can tell, the man (who was found on 18 January 2008) has not been named, and I can find no other source for this story. However, for the benefit of my huge Finnish audience, I'll reproduce a portion of the Finnish version of the story.
Viisikymppinen sairaseläkeläinen löytyi tammikuun lopulla kuolleena Helsingin Punavuoressa. Lähes kolme vuotta sitten kuolleen miehen löytyminen johtuu siitä, että automaattinen yhtiövastikkeen maksaminen oli syksyllä keskeytynyt, kun miehen pankkitili oli tyhjentynyt.
Torstain Iltalehti kertoo, että naapurit eivät olleet havahtuneet hajuun tai kiinnittäneet huomiota siihen, ettei rapussa asunutta ollut nähty pitkiin aikoihin.
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
5 years ago
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