The Coffee Klatch is a coffee house in Rancho Cucamonga that, among other things, offers free wi-fi. They are taking advantage of the Starbucks #starbout this evening (starting in less than 1/2 hour out here) by giving away coffee.
Well, the Coffee Klatch story has made the Guardian. Like in England and stuff.
Coffee Klatch, a small Los Angeles outfit, said it will offer free coffee to all customers while its bigger rival goes dark.
"I'm not sure why it's going to take them three hours to learn how to press a button," said Coffee Klatch's owner, Mike Perry, who described his own beverages as "expertly crafted" in contrast to Starbucks' machines.
And speaking of barista training, Coffee Klatch is probably getting a lot of hits on this page.
Experience training by the only Two-Time United States Barista Champion, Heather Perry can do for your business! She has recently returned from Tokyo and the World Barista Championships where she took second place, the highest finish ever for an American and a woman. The classes are kept small so they remain hands on to maximize learning.
Here at Coffee Klatch we are committed to the continued growth of the specialty coffee industry and we believe baristas hold the future to the industry. We are firm believers that quality is the most important ingredient in a successful business, but quality is so often wasted these days on poor preparation.
The average barista receives an average of three hours of training, and that is simply not enough. Let the 2003 and 2007 United States Barista Champion, Heather Perry show you the techniques that led her to not only win two championships, but also to run successful retail stores that people drive miles to come and enjoy the coffee at.
We offer a variety of private training programs that can be specialized to meet your needs and can be held at either your facility or at our new state of the art training facility in Upland, CA . Whether you’re a beginner looking to get down the basics or you have been doing this and are looking to hone your skills, we have the expertise you are looking for.
Why Us?
The proof is in the pudding:
2003 United States Barista Champion
2007 United Sates Barista Champion
2004 3rd place United States Barista Champion
2004 Western Regional Barista Champion
2005 Western Regional Barista Champion
2006 Western Regional Barista Champion
2007 Western Regional Barista Champion
2003 1st, 2nd, 3rd place California Regional Barista Champion
“Best Espresso in America” LA Times
“Best Espresso in the World” WBC 2007
Coffee Klatch has developed a unique style for training barista that includes not only tons of hands on lab time, but just as importantly and often missed is the discussion of the theories behind espresso. Instead of saying this is how to tamp, we say these are all of the different techniques for tamping and we like this one because…we have the belief that in order for training to stick you must fully understand the theories behind the techniques you are employing. You will walk away from our training session with a fuller and more complete understanding of how to run a great shot of espresso, along with the ability to do it.
And yes, the Guardian pulled a Rita Moreno of Arte by not naming Coffee Klatch's true location(s).
Danged Brits. Can I refer to Manchester United as a London football club?
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
5 years ago
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