Wow...I did it a second time. (Here's the first.) This is now officially a hoary old tradition.
David Allen, Secrets Behind the Columns.
Fearing being caught short one day on deadline, I tend to hoard column material the way a squirrel hoards nuts. Well, except that I hoard it in computer files, not in my cheeks. What I'll do on occasion is spend a free afternoon writing up potential items from reader letters or e-mails or my own stray bits of research cluttering my desk. If they're not timely, these finished items are often set aside for later use.
Biz Stone, Genius, Mexico's Katrina.
"President Felipe Calderón, who has visited Villahermosa twice this week, said that Mexico was facing one of the worst natural disasters in its recent history. But it was hard to gauge how widespread the damage was."
Tech Crunch (Erick Schonfeld), Attributor Launches Service to Track Copyright Infringement Across the Web.
Attributor was founded in 2005 and has raised $10 million from Sigma Partners, Selby Ventures, Draper Richards, First Round Capital and Amicus. The enterprise version of its service launches today, although it has been testing it with Reuters and AP for about six months. The enterprise service will cost anywhere from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars per year (a more limited self-serve version for bloggers and smaller publishers could cost as little as $6 or $7 per month, and will launch in 2008).
The Foothill Cities Blog (Centinel), The Float Came Back.
Can anyone imagine the chaos from a float repeatedly halted by protesters standing in front of it?
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
5 years ago
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