Thursday, November 15, 2007

All we are saying is give lunch a chance...

Today's protest picture is sans protester, because it was taken at the Marriott. The hotel is apparently too classy to have protesters like the ones I saw Tuesday (link here now) and Wednesday (link here now). Instead, a group of five people were standing on the second floor, only one of whom was required to take my ticket. There's an efficiency lesson in there somewhere....

My Oracle OpenWorld experience is winding down. After one more session, I'll go back to my hotel, get my bags, catch a shuttle to Oakland Airport, and fly back to Ontario. From there I'll type up a trip report for my employer, based upon 30+ pages of notes plus various blogs and tweets. (You may not believe it, but I was severely editing myself while I was on Twitter.) I also hope to write at least two additional blog posts: one on Tom Kyte's 11 features presentation, and another on Larry Ellison's keynote.

Now I'll finish my Lunch 1.0....

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