We've talked about Claymates and Parrotheads and Deadheads. But this Technorati WTF (Where's the Fire - get your head out of the gutter) defines a new category:
Yes, the Rudy-ites, the Romney-ites and the Paulians have had their time to play around on the practice field, but now Fred's here and the game will now begin.
It then links to a site called fredheadusa.org.
Yes, Fredhead. And, like some (but not all) of the other Heads, they live in a dream world.
Thompson's 2nd-place finish a victory in itself
Not only is this nonsensical, but this was a second place finish in a straw poll.
Earth to space - straw polls are meaningless activities designed to rescue bored people.
And apparently there are Fredheads, and there are Fredheads. And there are ex-Fredheads:
Jim Mills’ departure from the Thompson campaign is actually even bigger than it looks. Not that Thompson couldn’t function without Mills — he only been in the office for a week, I understand — but the aftershocks are huge....
When Thompson appears on Jay Leno tonight it will mark the campaigns complete repudiation of a new media campaign strategy and announcement plan that the original Fredheads had designed over several months and finalized in August. More resignations of key founding Fredheads are coming. Soon NONE of the people who got the buzz started in March may remain.
Thompson did Leno in June and numerous senior aides said at the time he would “never return to Hollywood to announce — that’s what McCain did! We won’t use video, that’s what Hillary did. We will let Fred be Fred. We are launching from the (Grand Ole) Opry then hitting New Hampshire and Iowa.”
Now they are copying both McCain and Hilary by appearing on Leno and a video. The original Fredheads are no longer angry or frustrated; most have been fired already or given up....
When asked what happened that gets a guy like Mills out of a job after a week, the response was, “People are callous… this is a Washington power play. You’ve seen people do this.”...
One of the shames of this shocking personnel move by Team Thompson is that we won’t get to see what Mills, a legendary producer and off-camera reporter on Capitol Hill, could do on the other side of the microphone. One Thompsonite described him as “the anti-Kevin Madden (Romney’s spokesman)… Everybody has these slick spokesmen, and we were going to have the guy who was extremely well connected and trusted by his former colleagues.”
And it looks like the Fredheads are concentrating on important, substantial issues - like locking up the comedian and action hero endorsements:
Dennis [Miller] is for Rudy [Giuliani], but he'll come on board when Fred wins the primary! We need more celebrities like Dennis, more who "get it." I'm not sure who Bruce Willis is for, but I'm thinking he'll be a Fredhead before it's over....
I'll tune in next June - oh, wait, they moved the California primary forward, didn't they?
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
5 years ago
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