Thursday, August 23, 2007

30 - 3 is only half the story

Perhaps you've heard about the Texas Rangers' 30 - 3 win in Baltimore last night. If you haven't, see Genius of Love (James Brown? James Brown?), O'Donnell Web, PartMule

But that's only half the story.

The 30 - 3 score took place during the first game of a doubleheader, which makes you wonder - after a team has scored 30 runs, what next?

So let's see what happened during the second game. Kate:

The second was not quite as exciting as the Rangers only managed to put up 9 runs in their 9-7 sweep of the O's...

Baltimore fan Scott Van Pelt:

I normally catch the Orioles on MASN, but this is one game I'm glad I passed up. This was the first game of a double header, and although the Ranger bats cooled some what, they defeated the Brids in the second game 9-7, and take two in the Baltimore home stand.

And Van Pelt also contributes this:

To put this in local sports perspective, the Ravens haven't allowed 30 points in a game since 2005.


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