I've managed to figure out that Laura Lepisto got 5th place in the NHK Trophy figure skating competition in Japan, but I haven't found an English-language service that bothers to provide details on the 5th place finisher.
I did find this:
Taitoluistelija Laura Lepistö sijoittui viidenneksi Japanin NHK-Trophyssa. Lepistö ei pystynyt pitämään lyhytohjelman kolmatta sijaa, vaan putosi vapaaluisteluosuudessa neljänneksi. Lepistö kasasi yhteispisteet 158,85. Espoolaisen ennätyspisteet 165,65 ovat viime kaudelta.
However, since the word "taquito" does not appear in this text, the text above isn't particularly instructive, except for the numbers. (In fact, I used another source to confirm Lepisto's fifth place finish.)
Enter Google Translate:
Taito skater Laura Lepisto was ranked fifth in Japan, NHK Trophy. Lepisto was not able to keep the short program, the third place, but fell in the free skating section of the fourth. Lepisto kasasi co 158.85 points. Espoo kind of a record 165.65 points in the last period....
Lepisto did not reach the December 12-14. in the GP finals, which was declared eligible for six races in the best runner skater. Lepisto was the GP series ten. Susanna Pöykiö was ranked the 14 last.
Still, this has been a relatively good year for Lepisto in international competitions, with two 2nd place finishes in Oberstdorf and Vantaa, a 3rd place in China, and the 5th place here. (Lepisto's complete competition results, going back to 2003, are here.) I'm not sure how many figure skating slots Finland will get for Vancouver in 2010, or how competitions will be around that time - there are several competitive Finnish figure skating ladies - so we'll see what happens.
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we are no long...
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