I haven't blogged about this, but Kiira Korpi has been suffering from a mysterious illness over the past few months. However, I shared this article on FriendFeed a few weeks ago:
It seems that Kiira Korpi will not begin her competition season at Finlandia Trophy in Vantaa (Oct. 9-12).
Korpi is suffering from an as yet undiagnosed ailment. Her legs have not recovered from hard training, and she has now developed a fever to add to her woes. Korpi is being treated in Tampere by several sports injury specialists.
Today I found an update, but it's in Finnish. Enter Google Translate, which couldn't translate some of the words, but at least provided a sense of what Korpi's current status is:
Taito skater Kiira Korvenranta disease spiral does not take päättyäkseen. Korvenranta the competition season will start again.
Ylirasitustilasta and after fever and flu suffered a marsh is back on the ice and practice with varying degrees of success. Full kuosissa Tamperean does not yet exist.
Swainson has become all the possible trials, but the reason to illness has not been found.
The forthcoming weekend's GP competition in Canada remains Korvelta intervened. Finland to the GP represents Jenni Vähämaa. 13.11. compete in the French GP's case Korvenranta the situation is still not open.
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
5 years ago