Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My Twit-Out so far

I started my Twit-Out eight hours early, and so far it's been a MOBILE Twit-Out, in which I have posted my pseudo-tweets via mobile Gmail, and switched between FriendFeed (to read) and MojiPage (to write). My observations:

Things take longer.

I'm seeing more native FriendFeed items. (On my phone, I can't generate native FriendFeed items.)

I'm still seeing a lot of tweets, and a variety of views on the Twit-Out.

I'm eating more M&Ms.

#fflag (the time it takes blog posts, Google Reader shared items, etc. to show up in my feed) is still an issue.

Plus all the other issues from my test last week, except for no MojIPage widget errors.

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