Thursday, April 24, 2008

How to get Twitter some S BUX

What if Starbucks were to buy Twitter?

Hear me out.

First, Starbucks would reserve the right to send the occasional tweet to everyone. Perhaps some coupon codes. Or something that drives traffic into the stores.

Which brings me to my second point. Allow Twitter groups...affiliated with a Starbucks location. Not required, but you can optionally affiliate. More coupons if you do. Display a location's tweets on a screen inside the location. Tweet your order to the barista. Build communities, physically and virtually.

Perhaps the additional business will pay for Twitter, and help build Starbucks loyalty at the same time.

My questions for you:

1. What are the holes in this idea?

2. If not Starbucks, then who?

3. Will this mobile post make it to the blog before tomorrow afternoon?

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