Sunday, March 9, 2008

Proposing the #event #lastname hashtag convention

Let me repeat two tweets from yesterday.

oemperor mulling over proposing a new #hashtag convention. hashtag both event AND speaker last name. eg #sxsw #jenkins or #openworld07 #ellison 12:31 PM March 08, 2008 from web

oemperor reason for new #hashtag convention (see previous tweet) is to ease finding of info. #event #lastname (in that order as a convention?) 12:33 PM March 08, 2008 from web

The idea for this came from South by Southwest, which started this weekend.

There is a lot of use of the #sxsw hashtag.

A lot. (which only captures tweets from people following @hashtags) has recorded well over 1,000 uses of the #sxsw hashtag in the last 24 hours. And when you get to that level, the hashtag itself becomes meaningless.

Back when I proposed the hashtag, there were a number of tweets regarding the Henry Jenkins/Steven Johnson opening session. This afternoon, there were a number of tweets regarding Mark Zuckerberg's keynote.

Just on a whim, I wanted to see if anyone tried to use #sxsw #zuckerberg hashtags to delineate any tweets about today's session. I found a grand total of one:

maslowbeer had to remove my treo's battery because i made the mistake of tracking #zuckerberg #sxsw and it became completely non-responsive about 5 hours ago from web

Well, at least I found the tweet...

[mrontemp business] | [mrontemp politics] | [mrontemp technology] | [mrontemp tags]

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