Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Thinking about music and business

I have plenty on my mind this evening.

First off, there are the usual songs in my head. The only reason that I'm no longer obsessed by Portishead is because I subsequently heard Johnossi on a DVR'ed "One World." Mash 'em up, and you get "Nobody loves you, and you, and you, and you...."

PortisheadSour Times

JohnossiMan must dance

Remember the three groovy pictures that I posted from Kohl's a few evenings ago? I simultaneously posted them to my Flickr account. Well, someone from a Kohl's group requested that one of them be included as part of the group portfolio. I've joined the group, but haven't investigated it, so I don't know if it's a corporate effort, an employee effort, or a Kohl's fan effort. But it got me to thinking about some ideas for cooperative business promotion.

Then I remembered why I hate Slate, after post-birthday girl @shawnz posted a tweet that linked to a Slate article claiming that "Stairway" ruined Led Zeppelin. The author didn't figure out how many early 1970s junior high kids would read it. For the record, "Stairway" wasn't the death knell for the band, but part of a logical progresion of "long songs" that started with "Whole Lotta Love" and continued with "Kashmir" and "In the Evening." Pooh-pooh to you, Slate.

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