This just in:
Former Republican U.S. Rep. Henry Hyde died this morning, months after undergoing open-heart surgery, his family said....Hyde died around 3 a.m. at Rush University Medical Center....
But why is Hyde famous?
Hyde gained national notice in 1976 when the staunch abortion foe championed a provision banning federal funding for most abortions, a piece of legislation that became known as the “Hyde Amendment” that was attached to appropriation bills in the succeeding decades.
Needless to say, the morality of abortion continues to be debated, even within Christian ranks, where in some cases an abortion is infinitely worse than a failure to feed the poor.
Here is what Christian Answers says about the former issue (tangentially, here's what it says about the latter issue, if you're interested):
There are two main issues to consider:
The answer to both questions is found in the beginning of the Bible, in Genesis.
“…and Rebekah his [Isaac’s] wife conceived. And the children struggled together within her…” (Genesis 25:21-22).
Note that Rebekah’s unborn twins, Jacob and Esau, are referred to as “children” (the Hebrew word used, banim, plural of ben), commonly refers to children after birth, and often has a more specific meaning “sons.”
The New Testament uses the usual Greek word for baby, brephos, to refer to the unborn John the Baptist, who “leaped in her [Elizabeth’s] womb” because of the presence of the unborn Christ (Luke 1:41-44).
The belief that life begins at conception has led to an interesting tactic to expose the results of abortion - one that fits in with the concept of freedom of information.
Anti-abortion group Justice For All displayed graphic photos of aborted fetuses in the Arbor and in front of the UCen yesterday, provoking heated debate between its members, pro-choice groups and passersby.
The group, which states in its pamphlet that its goal is “to create debate, change hearts and save lives,” set up 18-foot-high steel frames holding panels with blown-up photos of aborted fetuses....
Justice For All public relations speaker Tammy Cook said she believed the disturbing visuals were necessary to get the attention of people who would otherwise dismiss the issue.
“We believe that the use of pictures speaks more explicitly than any amount of words can describe what abortion really is,” Cook said. “The pictures help show the violence that is being done to the unborn child, or fetus. We regret the disturbing nature of the photos, but it is the only way that we feel that this injustice can be exposed.”
Protestors gathered around the metal bars surrounding the exhibit, and displayed signs emblazoned with right-to-choose slogans while chanting, “My Body, My Choice.”
Sheila Johnson, a representative from Planned Parenthood and the Women’s Center, said she was present in the Arbor to support freedom of speech and to serve as a balance for those who wanted to hear another opinion on abortion.
However, some pro-choice people may not necessarily support freedom of speech.
What would Jesus do, you ask, if he were alive and well on Earth today? He'd rent an airplane and terrorize Cleveland with pictures of aborted fetuses.
Note the word "terrorize."
It should be noted that even some pro-life groups oppose the tactic, thinking it counterproductive.
Abortion foes from all over the West converged on San Francisco for the second Walk for Life, an event designed to show that opposition to abortion exists even in the liberal Bay Area.
"We want people to know that there is another kind of voice in San Francisco,'' said Eva Muntean, a San Franciscan and co-chairwoman of the Walk for Life.
That voice was, by design, mostly silent. Marchers were urged to leave photos of aborted fetuses and signs equating abortion to murder at home.
However, there are certainly pro-lifers who believe that the display of pictures of aborted fetuses is a necessary part of education.
Well, now that Henry Hyde's dead, will we see pictures of a dead Henry Hyde? After all, Hyde's death speaks to the same great truth that is displayed by the fetus pictures - the fact that we have one life on this earth, and that it then ends. The reality of death is an important truth that should not be suppressed.
Hebrews 9:27-28 (King James Version)
King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain
27And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
28So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
When Rick James died, my series of posts on his death resulted in a frantic search for pictures of Rick James in an open casket.
Will there be such a search for pictures of a dead Henry Hyde in an open casket? Or will the reality of death be suppressed?
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
4 years ago
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