Thursday, November 8, 2007

What shall I bring? The important questions before Oracle OpenWorld 2007

As I was looking through old Ontario Technoblog posts to see if I had previously blogged about the Oracle OpenWorld blogger dinners (I didn't attend the 2005 or 2006 editions, but I thought I might have blogged about them), I ran across this post that was partially based upon material by Jared (who attended in 2005, but didn't attend in 2006; not sure if he'll be there in 2007).

Here's part of what Jared said:

Like any good technophile my journey started well before my flight left. Deciding on thing like:

How many laptops should I bring?
What other things should I bring?
Where am I staying?

Well, let me answer those questions for this year's model:

  • I am bring one laptop, but it's a good one. For the first time in about 20 years, my computer was replaced with a NEW computer (rather than a hand-me-down). The thing seems to be running well, and the wireless is working if necessary.

  • I don't think it's a secret that I'll be bringing my cell phone. Interestingly enough, back in 2006 I was at Oracle OpenWorld for such a short time that I didn't even bring a computer, just the cell phone (even though it was a recent acquisition). However, I've better mastered its use, and will therefore be able to tweet, blog, and flickr to my heart's content (although I still haven't been able to simultaneously blog and flickr - oh well).

  • For the second year in a row I'm staying in the Union Square area, but not in the same hotel. This makes things much, much better - especially since my nightly KCBS radio session (the one advantage of standard time) seemed to indicate some rain in San Francisco next week.
And again in the "I am not trendy" mode - I was blogging about Eddie Awad's Flickr group back in 2005. Now I'm finally ready to contribute to it. Better late than never.

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