Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Hashtag for Oracle OpenWorld 2007

I've talked about hashtags ad nauseum.


Really really.

So Justin Kestelyn has made the call:

The official tag for OpenWorld content is:


This would prompt any good Lutheran (or non-Lutheran) to ask, "What does this mean?"

  • It means that if you are using Twitter during Oracle OpenWorld 2007, then including "openworld07" (or, alternatively, "#openworld07") in your tweet will allow anyone who has executed the command "track openworld07" to see your tweet. A good way to get a real-time view of Oracle OpenWorld 2007 happenings.

  • Similarly, you can use the tag "openworld07" for any photos that you upload to Flickr. Incidentally, if you want to see the tags that are hot on Flickr right now, go here.

  • Of course, a bunch of services support tagging. If you recall the Mototrips promotion (I do), Motorola provided instructions on applying a tag (in this case "mototrips") to Flickr; Twitter; YouTube; del.icio.us; various blogs such as TypePad, Blogger, and WordPress; and Technorati.
Unfortunately, I already started using the overly-long "openworld2007" label. Perhaps I'll transition or sumfin.

[mrontemp business] | [mrontemp politics] | [mrontemp technology] | [mrontemp del.icio.us tags]

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