Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My Twitters from the September 24 Ontario City Council

As I previously indicated, I Twittered during last night's Ontario City Council meeting. Here are my Twitters, in forward chronological order (rather than the reverse chronological order in which they originally appeared on Twitter).

I subsequently blogged about a couple of these items; I've linked to them below. (The original Twitters did not contain the links.)

ontario california city council in 30 minutes

at city council mtg, ontario convention center

omva protesters outside convention center

3 minutes per speaker, probably 30+ speakers signed up

mayor leon giving introductions

agenda-staff, council, appellant, applicant, public, closed session

some speakers will wait until tue oct 9 - session to be continued

staff-presenting site plan

staff-discussing supplementary environmental impact report

staff-native american monitoring of ground disturbance???

staff-traffic calming at 5th st at elderberry-argh

staff-even with no project, traffic, air, noise would still be bad

staff-appellant claims

staff-economic development a legitimate local concern

mayor leon wants to call convenience break soon

i am now wondering if convenience break is subject to environmental impact report

appellant's lawyer on document requests

appellant lawyer asking mautz, anderson, leon to recuse themselves

appellant lawyer-city bought $5 million of wal mart bonds

public comments about to begin

i spoke at city council (no, not as "ontario emperor") - more later

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