Now this is an interesting angle.
Let's start by talking about a publicly-traded company called Armor Holdings, Inc..
Armor Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: AH), listed #3 on FORTUNE Magazine's 2006 "100 Fastest-Growing Companies List" and a member of the S&P Smallcap 600 Index, is a diversified manufacturer of branded products for the military, law enforcement and personnel safety markets.
Armor Holdings Aerospace & Defense Group is a top supplier of human safety and survival systems to all branches of the U.S. military and major aerospace and defense prime contractors.
Armor Holdings Products Group is a leading manufacturer of security products for law enforcement personnel around the world.
Armor Holdings Mobile Security Division is the world's largest and most experienced passenger vehicle armoring manufacturers.
Sounds like a well-diversified company that active in a lot of markets. Let's take a deeper look at one part of the Products Group.
Armor Forensics is a part Armor Holdings Products Group. It is the company’s rapidly expanding forensics line, providing narcotic identification kits, evidence collection, storage and processing equipment and fingerprinting technology to the men and women in the forensics profession. We provide the tools needed to perform jobs efficiently and safely, whether that be latent print powders and brushes as Lightning Powder®, fingerprinting equipment as Identicator®, presumptive drug tests kits as NIK® and ODV, evidence packaging and collection equipment as Evi-Paq™ or computer forensics software as NTI™.
Hmm. Interesting, isn't it? Actually, that particular question isn't appropriate, since it comes from a competitor to the Los Angeles Times, and the Times itself is the paper that ran the following story, but failed to mention the connection to Armor Holdings, Inc.
It was soap, not dope.
That's the verdict from additional testing of the peppermint-scented liquid that got punk rocker Don Bolles arrested on drug charges this month.
Bolles, 50, the legendary drummer for the Germs, spent three days in jail after Newport Beach police said they found GHB, the date-rape drug, inside a bottle of Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap in Bolles' 1968 Dodge van.
Police ran a field test on the yellowish goop after stopping Bolles for a broken taillight on April 4.
But a more sophisticated analysis by the Orange County Sheriff's Department crime lab detected no GHB in the soap....
Meanwhile, the makers of Dr. Bronner's announced that other liquid soaps, including Neutrogena and Tom's of Maine, also can mistakenly register positive for GHB with the field test kit used by Newport Beach police.
Bronner's officials said they experimented with the ODV-brand NarcoPouch 928 test kit and various soaps over the weekend and would post a video of the results on their website next week.
"Police departments nationwide should immediately stop using the ODV field test for GHB," Bronner's president David Bronner said.
A spokesman for Armor Forensics, which manufactures the ODV test, said he wasn't familiar with the kit and couldn't immediately comment.
As of Sunday, April 22, this story did not appear in the headlines area of Yahoo's news page for Armor Holdings, Inc., nor does it appear on the message board. Time to dust off my Yahoo! account.
The stock, by the way, closed at $69.84, and I suspect that this news will send the stock tumbling to...oh...$69.83. Now if Warren Kanders were to get involved with Annika's favorite actress, Lindsay Lohan, that would be a different story.
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
5 years ago
For the record, here's part of what I posted on Yahoo:
Some of you may have heard the story of Don Bolles, drummer for the Germs who was stopped by the Newport Beach, California police and accused of possessing GHB, based upon a field drug test of some Dr. Bronners soap in Bolles' possession. When the Orange County Crime Lab used a different test, they concluded that the soap did NOT contain GHB, and Bolles (real name Jimmy Michael Giorsetti) was exonerated.
The interesting twist to this story - it turns out that Newport Beach police were using the Narcopouch 928 test from ODV Inc. (part of Armor Forensics).
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