Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Global Fund Funding

It's been noted that product (red) has raised $18 million, so far, for the Global Fund. How does that compare against pPosts have a brief introduction and a previous contributions?

On the one hand,

Rajesh Anandan, the Global Fund's head of private-sector partnerships, said Mr. Feachem was misquoted, and defended the efforts by Red to increase the Global Fund's private-sector donations, which totaled just $5 million from 2002 to 2005.

So Bono et al have benefited the cause, it appears. But on the other hand,

The U.S. Congress just approved a $724 million pledge to the Global Fund, on top of $1.9 billion already given...

Yeah, take THAT, you evil corporate fascists! The people (as represented by government) is making your contributions pipsqueak miniscule, aren't they? Aren't they?

...and $650 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.



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